
Misc Stuff
Simp List
Full Interest List
Paralive Song Tierlist with Explanations and Tangents (WIP I haven't had the time to finish)
Main Interests
Paradox Live
NU: Carnival

Gen Info
Trans man
20 years
Poly & Pan
In a relationship ♡
VERY socially anxious and sleepy so if I don't answer either one is why
The usual DNI stuff
If you infantilize grown ass characters and/or people
If you call Sebastian Debeste Eustace Winner and like it. I Fucking HATE that name it made me physically sick
I don't really mind a lot of things so it's short lol just don't be a dick
Annoyances/ Uncomfy
Realistic & semi realistic depictions of moths, cartoony or cute ones are fine
Naruto (Long story)
People who hate kids for no reason
Distorted or uncanny human faces (Like the Mandela Catalogue)
Abt Me :3
I am SO not good at baking I accidentally made cupake tops (I was trying to make cookies)
I can read 3 books at the same time and retain all the information.
At the age of 12 I watched the film Madagascar 3 Fifteen times in a row soley because I enjoyed it that much.
When seeing Bram Stoker BSD for the First time, I actually slammed my head against a wall. Luckily, my wall was able to tank the damage of my thick ass skull and I'm alive and well today.
I have a gnome doing the whippy nae nae in my room.

Bram Stoker's Dracula (Made for a Bram BSD application but I still think it's cool :3)
Your mother, your father, and most importantly, your parental Figure.
I've had to capitalize the f on this card randomly because this font is SO dumb that if you put a lowercase f next to another letter it's hard as fuck to read, like; fix, affluent, finger.
Your English teacher was right, there IS a reason that author made the curtains blue, you're just an asshole.
James Joyce had a fart kink. Here